Samantha Cruzada, Kemberly Espina, Nikoleta Raikova and Tina Liu were (at the time of recording) all year 11 students at St James Secondary school in Exeter. Sam was the Head Girl, and the others were prefects. They were interviewed at the Global Centre in 19th February 2013 by Sandhya Dave.

St James students performing Anna’s Story at the RAMM
St James school has given a lot of support to the project, especially through the good offices of Helen Stephenson, EAL co-ordinator.
Kemberly Espina
Kemberly was born in the Philippines and has been in the UK for 2 ½ years, at first in Derby, now in Exeter.There are six extracts here – listen to them by clicking on the play arrow. Read the transcript.
Extract 1
Kemberly talks about her home city in the Philippines – General Santos City (known as GenSan), the tuna festival, and her feelings about Exeter.
Extract 2
Kemberly’s first day in Exeter, thoughts about snow.
Extract 3
Her parents’ feelings about school. Differences between the UK and the Philippines.
Extract 4
Samantha asks her “What does it mean to be Filipino?”
Extract 5
Filipino feelings about national identity and skin colour.
Extract 6
The Filipino National anthem. What she would like Exeter people to know.
Nikoleta Raikova
Nikoleta was born in Bulgaria and has been in the UK for 2½ years. Samantha Cruzada interviewed her at the Global Centre on 19th February 2013. There are six extracts here – listen to them by clicking the play arrow. Read the full transcript.
Extract 1
The origin of her name. Coming to Exeter.
Extract 2
Festivals in Bulgaria.
Extract 3
Samantha asks her if she experienced culture shock coming to Exeter. Nikoleta talks about adapting and making friends.
Extract 4
Different attitudes in Bulgaria and the UK.
Extract 5
Nikoleta talks about the languages that she knows.
Extract 6
Nikoleta tells Samanatha a story from Bulgaria about the Martenitsa – red and white threads worn in Spring.
Tina Liu
Tina was born in China, and has lived in Exeter for 6 years. Samantha Cruzada interviewed her at the Global Centre on 19th February 2013. Listen to the six extracts by clicking on the play arrow. Read the full transcript.
Extract 1
Tina talks about her Chinese name (Ye Tong).
Extract 2
Tina talks about her favourite K-Pop band, who are called Exo
Extract 3
British & Chinese TV & soap operas.
Extract 4
Freedom and the internet in the UK and China. Tina then moves on to talk about the languages she speaks.
Extract 5
Samantha asks “Do you support a particular political party?”
Extract 6
Tina sings a bit of the Chinese National anthem.
Group Interview
After the 3 individual interviews, Sandhya Dave interviewed all four of the girls together. Read the full transcript.
Extract 1
Sandhya asks them about money and how they pay for things.
Extract 2
Experiences of family in the UK and other countries.
Extract 3
Samantha talks men and women, boys and girls in the Philippines, then the others add their comments.
Extract 4
Tina’s life in China and in Britain
Extract 5
School life in Exeter and in their home countries.
Extract 6
Sandhya asks “What do you like about Exeter?”
Extract 7
They talk about multi-culturalism in their school (St James), and about a boy who sits on his own.