Exploring the rich multicultural history of Devon.


Our multicultural exhibitions are now digital!

Our multicultural exhibitions are now digital!

        As this round of the multicultural history project comes to an end later this month all of the resources created over the past 18 months will come live onto our website. You can see the diverse stories of the two focus towns of Ilfracombe...

Calling all creatives! Deadline Extended!!!

Calling all creatives! Deadline Extended!!!

Calling All Creatives! **** STILL TIME TO GET INVOLVED ****** Devon’s multicultural heritage project Telling Our Stories, Finding Our Roots is calling all creatives for its two latest initiatives. With the help of a team of enthusiastic volunteers led by project...

Honiton – a place of rest and refuge over the centuries

Honiton – a place of rest and refuge over the centuries

What Multicultural History? by Jess Huffman, Project Coordinator (Honiton), Telling Our Stories, Finding Our Roots I really enjoy talking to people about the Telling Our Stories, Finding Our Roots Project. Discussing project opportunities to explore diverse and...

Fordland Sketches

Fordland Sketches

A collection of sketches from the Devon Record Office, made by J Harris in 1823 and 1824 (ref no Z19/2/4) Number 8: 'Mr White A Black Beggar' is of special interest to this project - nothing else is known of him. Photographs by Ghee Bowman, with acknowledgements to...