by Chelsea Vincent | 1st January, 1980 | Tiverton Timeline
In 1980 Tiverton offered a home to two Vietnemese families seeking a safe place for their families to live and work. In 1980, two Vietnamese families arrived in Tiverton after spending 3 months at the Thorney Island reception centre. Mr and Mrs Nguyen Van Fu arrived...
by Chelsea Vincent | 1st January, 1969 | Tiverton Timeline
In 1969 two men from Hong Kong opened the first Chinese restaurant in Tiverton. Mr Li Fang Sang and Mr Tony Lee opened Tiverton’s first Chinese restaurant in 1969. It was called the Mui Kong. The two men were from Hong Kong and the restaurant opened to great...
by Chelsea Vincent | 1st January, 1961 | Tiverton Timeline
The Tiverton Gazette of 12th December 1961 reported on the visit of a couple from British Guiana, who spent their honeymoon working at the Stenners factory. During the 1960s Stenner of Tiverton Ltd, then part of the Heathcote Engineering Division, led the way in the...
by Chelsea Vincent | 1st May, 1949 | Tiverton Timeline
In May 1949, Mr Peter Manjlovic and Miss Olga Kush, two European Voluntary Workers, were married at St Peter’s Church. From the Devon and Somerset News – May 18th 1949: YUGOSLAVIAN WEDDING Interesting ceremony in Tiverton Two European Volunteer Workers, who met at...
by Chelsea Vincent | 1st January, 1945 | Tiverton Timeline
During and after World War Two, many Prisoners of War and European Voluntary Workers came to Tiverton to work and live in and around the town. World War Two During WW2 it is estimated that 400,000 Prisoners of War were placed in Britain, most of whom were put to work...
by Chelsea Vincent | 1st January, 1944 | Tiverton Timeline
In January 1944, the American GI’s were joined by the ‘Code-Talkers’. These were Native American members of the Comanche tribe, who worked together to make, send, and decipher codes. In January 1944, 14 members of the Comanche tribe, arrived in Tiverton to support the...
by Chelsea Vincent | 1st January, 1939 | Tiverton Timeline
During World War Two Tiverton hosted a number of Black and White American soldiers. By 1943 Tiverton was home to both Black and White American GIs, who were housed separately in different parts of the town. Several news reports provide evidence of their presence. ...
by Chelsea Vincent | 1st January, 1933 | Tiverton Timeline
News reports from the early 20th century indicate a growingly diverse population in the town, including Phuman Singh, a silk merchant from India. A news report from the Western Morning News describes a series of events surrounding a silk merchant named Phuman Singh...
by Chelsea Vincent | 1st November, 1914 | Tiverton Timeline
During the First World War, Tiverton was home to a number of Belgian refugees. During the First World War, refugees were placed in the town, with records indicating that 5 Belgian children were sent to Blundell’s School. Records show that from November 1914 to spring...
by Chelsea Vincent | 1st January, 1900 | Tiverton Timeline
An early photograph provides evidence of the presence of at least one Black worker at Tiverton’s Roller Mills Factory in the late 19th or early 20th century. Tiverton Museum of Mid Devon Life archives hold an early photograph showing a black worker standing...
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